The ‘Triple-Set Leader’ Framework:
Your New Insight, Foresight and Eyesight to Leadership
There are several core leadership theories in the world, whether across industries, at the market place, for economics & businesses or in academic studies. From traits theories to behavioral theories, from contingency theories to power & influence theories, from transformational to transactional to the recent creative leadership style, these are some of the leadership frameworks found in the industry.
Where Do We Start?
‘Nowadays, leadership is multi-dimensional.. it's of the thinking mind, the knowing hands and the understanding heart’ – the Triple-set Leadership Team
The head of a team, division and even an organisation is highly significant to the success of the unit. How a person would lead oneself is therefore correlated to the leading of a team. There is a saying that goes ‘It is not just where a person is going that is important, who that person follows and go with is will greatly result in the reaching of the destination and/or achievement of the goal’. And with the emergence of the millennials as the new influx into and additional manpower to the work force of the world, there is a need to for new insight and fresh perspectives into the inner perception of this generational group, eyesight on how to they would act and react individually, and foresight on how to lead this new generation of the work force.
‘Lead Yourself. Guide Others’
The ‘Triple-Set Leader’ studies has spanned across, can be applied in and is inclusive of the various multiple sectors, industries, markets, businesses, situational context and genres in the world. The framework is based on the notion that leadership nowadays is multi-dimensional – it centres around the following 3 aspects: the thinking mind, the knowing hands and the understanding heart:
Henceforth, Triple-Set Leadership’s tagline – ‘Lead Yourself. Guide Others’.
The ‘Triple-Set Leader’ studies has spanned across, can be applied in and is inclusive of the various multiple sectors, industries, markets, businesses, situational context and genres in the world. The framework is based on the notion that leadership nowadays is multi-dimensional – it centres around the following 3 aspects: the thinking mind, the knowing hands and the understanding heart:
The New Foresight of Leadership
A person’s leadership mindset can be referred to as the Aptitude of the leader. As Warren G. Bennis put it ‘Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality’. A leader must be able to possess high cognitive skills to devise both short- and mid-term plans, pre-empt situations and even look into projection of the team and organisation with long-term goals. Some of these leadership qualities are being open-minded, forward-thinking, innovative, etc. People with high score in this aspect of Triple-Set Leadership are termed as the ‘Strategising Leader’.
The New Eyesight to Leadership
The Altitude of a leader is highly visible from the way he or she displays and demonstrates the various skills possessed by the person. Like what Mark Yarnell shared, ‘A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible’, a leader who is highly knowledgeable will be able to share with his or her team and others the skills needed to complete a task required. Effective task completion, delegation, empowerment, etc. are just some of the leadership qualities in this aspect. People with high score in this aspect of Triple-Set Leadership are termed as the ‘Demonstrating Leader’.
The New Insight into Leadership
People can feel from the heart the Attitude of a leader from the way understanding, appreciation, care and concern is administered. ‘People can forget what you said, they can forget what you did. But they will never forget how you make them feel’ (Maya Angelou). With the new emerging work force being millennials nowadays, a successful leader now needs to show a significant level of empathy, encouragement and recognition, with a hinge of personal touch. High EQ, excellent relationship management, mentoring & counselling skills, etc. are some of the set of skills a leader should possess in this aspect. People with high score in this aspect of Triple-Set Leadership are termed as the ‘Empathising Leader’.
Evaluative Test
To know more about own’s Triple-Set Leadership Evaluative Results, there are 3 formats one can go through the Evaluative Test:
The Written Test
Using the Likert Scale as a measurement tool, questions with reference to the leadership qualities of Triple-Set Leader are asked and a number be assigned to the degree of agreeability
The Evaluative Cards Test
a series of cards with choices of the 3 sets of leadership’s qualities will be shown, and have to be selected to determine the Triple-Set Leader Evaluative Results
Online Real-Time Evaluative Test
Do the online test now, and get the Triple-Set Leader Evaluative Results with full report directly to your designated email address now!
Who Should Take the Test
– Management personnel and/or people in the leadership position of corporations, companies, businesses, organisations, etc. who wants to find out more about their leadership inclination
– Human Resource or Recruitment department who wants to look out for potential people for work in their organisations, or on the lookout for potential leaders within their company
– Training or Talent Development department who wants to discover the staff’s leadership gaps, so as to administer the right leadership training focus for all staff
– Recruiting & Interviewing companies or businesses who wants to ascertain the interviewers’ personal leading’s inclination, level & potential
– Educational institutions (tertiary – universities, postgraduate schools, polytechnics, etc., high school – colleges, high schools, secondary schools, etc., junior schools – primary schools, etc.) who wants their undergraduates or students to know more about themselves with reference to their innate leadership’s aspects
– Anyone who just wants to know more about themselves to excel further in their personal development, self-leading and leadership aspects.
It’s important to upskill and develop further oneself after getting to know your Triple-Set Leader Evaluative Results. The following is the list of the training programmes as conducted by our team:
The Mindset Modular Workshop Series
- Open-mindedness & Forward-Thinkingness
- Visioning Management & Goal Alignment
- Creative & Innovative Leadership
The Skillset Modular Workshop Series
- Excellent Task Management in Attainment & Completion Skills
- Delegation and Empowerment Skills
- Personal Charisma in Influential & Inspirational Enhancement
The Heartset Modular Workshop Series
- Emotion Intelligence-Leading Skills
- Mentoring in Relationship Management Skills
- Counselling in Personal Development & Advancement Skills
The Triple-Set Modular Workshop Series
- Total Team Synergy in Building & Bonding for Productivity Enhancement Skills
- Total Team Dynamics in Personalities Management Skills
- Total Next Leadership Development Skills
Take the Test Now!
USD 50 per Evaluative Assessment
To do the online test and get to know your Triple-Set Leader Evaluative Result, send us an email for details now.
Who to Contact?
Please send enquiry regarding the Triple-Set Leadership framework and/or Personal Development, Self-Leading and Leadership Training & Development Workshop and Course Series to the Triple-Set Leadership Team here:
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